A war for the soul

Listen... Right now, the nation is at war for its soul. The sins of the nation's forefathers are tearing at the lies that have covered the long-infected wound of racism. This is a wound that not only runs deep but runs wide. A wound that has infected this body for centuries. It's slowly killing us, yet we deny its affects. It eats away at our humanity, yet we say it doesn't exist.

"We are healed," we say. "Haven't we done enough? Haven't we satisfied your requirements?"


155 years ago we slapped a bandaid on this deadly wound and said, "Go away, be free." But weren't free. 100 years later, we butterfly taped the wound, but it still wasn't enough. So it festered and rotted and decayed.

Now, it's exposed for the world to see: an infection that shows that we did not finish the job. We did not take care of ourselves.

We refused to see a doctor. We said, "Over time, you'll heal."  But we did not heal, and like a cancer, that infection spread to every part of the body. So, how do we heal now? It seems like it's too late. It seems like the body can no longer recover.

But we can and we must. We can't give up. We have to go back to the source. We have to go back to the racism, the evil, the sin that has caused so much pain. We have to back to the wound, and clean it, down the core.

Will it be painful? Yes. Will it be messy? Definitely. But it's the only way that we can then stitch up the wound, and let the body heal like it should have in 1865.

Yes, it'll leave a scar: one that we can never erase, but eventually, with persistence, we can heal. We can take antibiotics, we can see a doctor, we can take the steps to make things right, but it starts with US. It starts with with repentance, it continues with prayer, it soars with justice, and it's sealed with unity.

It will be a long hard road. We will need rehab. We will have resistance—It may even come from the ones we love and respect.

The body itself might try to reject the healing, but we cannot let it. Each person has a chance to do what they can in the face of evil.

Some will be on the front lines marching by the capitol.
Others will be in the background, organizing the community.
Some will be in city hall, speaking truth to power.
Some will be in the police force, reclaiming what it means to really protect and serve.

And all some will be able to do... all some will need to do, is make a difference at home.

They will teach their children that we can never let this happen again. That all men and women are truly created equal and that America is about sacrificing whatever we need to, in order to make sure this vision of equality comes to pass.

They will tell their kids that silence wasn't an option. That Black Lives do Matter and that being anti-racist doesn't mean anti-police. They will tell them to love their neighbor as themselves no matter their race, religion, political affiliation, orientation, or socio-economic status.

They will say, "All it takes it one person, standing up to injustice, to make the world a better place."

Well... instead of making it "They", how about we make it "Us".

Don't. Give. Up.

This is our moment. Although it may be hard, the country needs us. Let's fix this thing together.

#HealUniteBuild #Movement #BlackLivesMatter #JusticeForFloyd #GeorgeFloyd


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